We designed and custom made a circus “Big Top” canopy in the traditional circus colour pallete of red and white stripes which was complemented by a bright yellow, red and blue ruffle table cloth, together with a themed lemonade stand which was also constructed for the occasion and served as a drinks station.

- Rainbow Vanilla Push up Pops - The inspiration and idea for adding push up pops to this table came straight from Pizzazzerie (Courtney Whitmore) - Push-up Pops book!!
- Vanilla Cupcakes
- Sugar Biscuits with custom designed icing toppers
- Popcorn Cups
- Cake-pops
The Lunch Boxes contained
- Packet of Crisps
- Grapes and Strawberries
- A Savoury Roll
- Fairy Bread
- Customised Poptops
All guests took home a miniature gumball machine and giant chupa-chup as a thank-you gift.

Credits to the following:
- The Inspired Occasion - All edibles, themeing and styling including construction of the circus tent, lemonade stand and ruffled table cloth - https://www.facebook.com/theinspiredoccasion
- Love JK - Stationary design (invitation, menu tags, decorative toppers, candy jar labels, lunch box labels, pop top labels, thank-you tags, lemonade stand signage and milk bottle labels) - https://www.facebook.com/LoveJKAustralia
- Love JK - Photography
- Little Big Company - Miniature GumBall Machines and swirl lolly pops - https://www.facebook.com/Littlebigcompany
- Circus Spot - Circus party Venue - https://www.facebook.com/circus.spot.