Wednesday, May 4, 2011

One final Aloha!

Finally, we come to the end of the posts from our Hawaiian Luau party and to finish up, we thought it would be fitting to share just our very favourite photos from the day, along with a few thank you's and a list of our vendors.

If you are just catching up, you can view all the photos from our previous posts here, here and here.

First up our vendors:

Colour coordinated chocolate beans from Candy Soirees
All other edible items by The Inspired Occasion
Drink dispensers available from Lily Chic Events

Beading activity station by Coco & Chloe
Hula entertainers from Jitterbug Dance Parties

Finally, a big thank you has to go to our team; Deb, Aaron and Troy, with a special thanks to Fred Buckland from Sage Building Services, who always go out of their way to ensure our visions can be made into a reality!

We hope you have enjoyed our Hawaiian Luau feature this week. We are now prepping for our next party this weekend, which is a Train inspired picnic. We can't wait to share with you all next week.


1 comment:

  1. this is an amazing party, massive project beautifully executed.....but then again i wouldn't expect anything less from the inspired occasion...well done ladies xxx


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