Thursday, July 14, 2011

Inspired Suppliers - Coco & Chloe

We have been loving sharing our Inspired Suppliers with you over the past few weeks. So far we have met Amy from Giggleberry Creations, Sara from Pom Pom Princess and Tanya from Squiggle and Stitch. These wonderful ladies all contribute beautiful, unique and handcrafted products to our online store and they are a joy to work with!

Tonight we are pleased to introduce to you the next of our Inspired Suppliers... Gloria from Coco & Chloe. Coco & Chloe is a gorgeous little online store, stocking some absolutely gorgeous products... luxury leather hand bags, travel gear, scarves, jewellery and a great selection of home wares.

Gloria is pretty talented though, not only does she run this lovely shop, she also makes a super fun range of jewellery herself, along with some gorgeous kids products including badges, magnets, bracelets and necklaces. This is where Coco and Chloe come together, with Gloria having made all the gorgeous little badges we have in store.

Thanks for being part of our Inspired Suppliers series Gloria!

Who? Tell us a bit about yourself...
My name is Gloria, and I am the owner and creator of the business coco & chloe. I have completed a dual award degree in computer science and management skills. My work experience is a little over the place from working in the liquor retail industry, and in the banking industry where I have been computer programmer, quality assurance manager, to "working" with auditors. I am a loving aunty to a niece who is 4 years old and a nephew who is nearly 2. I am a big sister to my pet dog Chloe (who is half of the inspiration for my business name). 

What inspired you to start your own business?
I always had a very long term goal to start my own business, but what put my goal into action was turning a year older and not loving what I was doing day to day. I love shopping and being creative and it just feels natural to follow that path and start my own on-line gift store were I can use my elements.

Beer, wine, bubbles or soft drink?
Soft drink definitely. I am still the biggest kid at heart and drinking alcohol would just be wrong - I don't get offended if I am placed on the kids table at events because I know I will have lots of fun.

How do you stay innovative and ahead of the pack?
I'm forever researching what the next trends and colours by looking at what is happening overseas and locally. Ideally you would love to hire a person to do the research for you but the next best thing is to look at large companies that do have the money to hire such people and see what they are doing. Most of the time though it comes down purely to purchasing what I like - If I wouldn't buy it myself, why would I except anyone else to buy it?

What is your greatest indulgence?
Bags... I love a good quality bag. I probably have too many (and I refuse to count how many I do have), but I truly believe a girl can never have enough. The love of quality bags features through my product range - so hard to not keep them all for myself.

What difference has being in business for yourself made in your life?
It's made two main differences. One I've learnt to get outside of my comfort zone which is networking and talking to people. I knew this was my weak point, but the benefit is now I have meet amazing people that are extremely talented and they inspire me even more. And Two, I have the biggest excuse now to do learn new skills that I have always wanted to do like making jewellery and flower arrangements.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks ladies for your lovely words. I'm honoured that you asked to create the badges for your beautiful range.


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