With a name like The Wilde the brief was simple, think "Victorian English Dandies” prim and proper, with a little bit of debauchery thrown in.
We used an array of props including vintage suitcases, a vintage typewriter, Victorian inspired silverware, jewellery boxes and cake stands to create an interesting talking point for the evening.
The menu was kept to some old fashioned favourites, with the addition of some of our most popular Inspired staples such as cake pops and macarons.
- Triffle Cups
- Peach Melba Cups
- Caramel Tarts
- Jam Tarts
- Chocolate Mousse Shots
- Mini Vanilla Cupcakes
- Macarons
- Cakepops

It was an evening full of cocktails, life drawings and guests dressed to impress.
Styling/Edibles/Jars/Cake stands/Silver Wares - The Inspired Occasion
Photography by: Graham Denholm http://grahamdenholm.com/
Flowers - The Flower Jar
Sponsor - Timeout Melbourne
This party was also featured over at Little Big Company Blog and Beth Jennings Photography
The Inspired Occasion
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