Monday, April 16, 2012

Best Australian Blogs 2012 - People Choice Awards competition

Best Australian Blogs 2012 – People’s Choice Award

The Inspired Occasion are proud to be a part of the Best Australian Blogs 2012 – People’s Choice Award competition. 

While we do not consider ourselves professional bloggers, our blog is about the enjoyment of sharing our special occasions and creations with our followers, we would love our followers to get behind us and vote for The Inspired Occasion!!

Since December visits to our blog have almost doubled,  to over 11,000 clicks a month,  with our most popular blogs being those about our styled party events.

We are lucky to have snared guest blogger Sheridan Wright from Timeout Magazine, who joined our team this year, bringing you inside scoops from some of the hidden VIP events in Melbourne. 

With the aim of creating a cleaner, more engaging and polished blog in the future we have engaged a proof reader/editor, and will soon be introducing a new guest blogger to bring you lots of party ideas.

The competition opened on Friday 13th April and will close on Wenesday 9th May. Simply click the link below and select The Inspired Occasion... Its that simple...

and thank you for supporting our party passion.

The Inspired Occasion

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on being part of this contest! Just came back from entering Bellenza's vote for you. :-)


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