Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Emily’s shabby vintage tea party

Themed to perfection

At The Inspired Occasion we believe that theming any event gives your occasion an unbeatable edge! From choosing a simple colour palette through to creating an entire event around a specific idea, theming is definitely something to consider if your aim is to wow your guests!

Over the past year The Inspired Occasion’s online blog has featured an abundance of diverse events to help get your creative juices flowing, many of which we carefully created around our clients visions.

The Inspired Occasion will be providing regular blog posts sharing our tips on the different ways that events can be personalised and styled with the help of a theme.

Rachael from Myrtle and Grace (www.myrtleandgrace.com.au) blew us away with this latest party submission, with her delicate theming and incredible attention to detail The Inspired Occasion are delighted to present 

 Emily’s shabby vintage tea party

When we asked Rachael where the inspiration for her theme came from she explained that her daughter Emily had asked for a flower garden party. The bright flower decorations used throughout the party certainly fit Emily’s desired theme yet contain the elegance and quirkiness of the shabby vintage that Rachael added later on. 

The clear glass bottles you can see below (which are available for purchase at The Inspired Occasion) show the incredible level of creativity that Rachael put into every minute detail. Just look at the vintage style font on the gorgeous flowery labels.  

Do you have ‘useless’ old objects lingering around your house? Why not get creative and use them for your next occasion? This terracotta plant pot is a perfect example of using the old to create the new and undoubtedly it fits perfectly with the shabby vintage garden party theme!

One thing that the Inspired Occasion would recommend to anyone looking to create their own themed event is to COLLECT!

Rachael became a hunter and gatherer when organising her event and searched for everything from old vintage side plates and pretend crystal dishes to vases and cake platters. These sought after items definitely add a touch of elegance to the event and we have no doubt that Emily’s guests felt quite the lady for the afternoon!

The Inspired Occasion will be featuring Part 2 of Emily’s 4th Birthday later in the week so stay tuned to see more divine photos from Celeste (www.ourgirlyworld.blogspot.com), vintage themed food ideas and supplier credits.

The Inspired Occasion

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