Thursday, June 9, 2011

Market wrap up

This time last week we were both working around the clock to prepare for our very first market stand at the Sugar & Spice market at Woodend. Well, it's been and gone - and we loved every minute of it!

It was a freezing day, but the rain held off and the crowds were strong. We loved meeting all the other stall holders and were truly flattered with all the positive feedback we received on our new range.

{check out our lovely market bunting by Giggleberry Creations!}

A big congratulation to Sherryn for running such a wonderful first market. We can't wait to see where she take Sugar & Spice over the coming months.

We will be having a short break this weekend, as I head to Sydney for the long weekend and Alex enjoys some family time.

However we will be back next week, busy as ever, as we prepare for our stall at the Fairy Floss Markets in Geelong on 19th June as well as the launch of our new range. It's going to be a busy couple of months and we can't wait to share it all with you!



  1. Yay! The set up looks great and it sounds like the day was a hit! Enjoy your long weekend!

  2. Your stand looks wonderful and it looked like the place had really good lighting (which is a must have).


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