Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ladybird Garden Party - photo shoot

It's been a pretty big week for us here at The Inspired Occasion...

You may have seen us in the media - which has been so exciting for us, and we were also THRILLED to have ended up in the Top 25 blogs for Party Planning over at Circle of Moms (you will hear more about this shortly)!

We also managed to put together a small dessert station for a photo shoot on less than a days notice! Luckily we had most of it prepared for a Christening we had today so as much as it was a rush to pull it together, we didn't have to start from scratch.

However, we did have to use what we had - not having time to order anything in, so we are very luck to have a good supply closet! Although - looking at these photo's - we obviously have more red smarties in than pink!

These cupcakes were so delicious! In the photo shoot the poor kids had to hold them for almost 2 hours before they were allowed to eat them - talk about torture!

Marshmallow, chocolate and edible glitter... mmmm yum!

These little tote boxes are available from Candy Soirees. They are so adaptable, we have used them a number of times now and they come up wonderfully each time.

We recently invested in a fairy floss machine - any excuse to use it!

Hope you enjoyed our little dessert station and all had a wonderful weekend!

The Inspired Occasion


  1. How quickly did you put this together? looks great and very yummy

  2. Thanks honey - it was pulled together in literally half a day. We got the request confirmed at about 11am and we had to be ready by 4pm - it was a crazy day!

  3. Looks beautiful girls and big congratulations! :)


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