Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lounge to playroom?

We have a room at the front of our house that doesn't get used very often. We currently have the desktop mac there, an exercise bike and a second telly, but as there is only the 3 of us, we rarely need the extra living space. The room itself is quite large - a slightly awkward shape, but still workable.

So, we have decided to turn it into a play room for Gracie... her bedroom is quite small and is she is quickly outgrowing the small play space it allows. We are also hoping that by giving her a play space, her bedroom will become a place for sleeping... we can dream!!

Anyway - with play rooms on the brain, I went searching and found some fabulous ones... They all seem to tick the boxes I am hoping for;

- A place with lots of storage, so things can easily be picked up and put away
- They are not overly 'kiddy', in that an adult could still sit in there and not be nauseated by giant purple dinosaurs or the like
- Some of them serve dual functions - office space/playroom/occasional living area/spare room
- They all look like fun places to be!

(I know this one is technically a nursery, but I love the colours!!)

What would your recommendations for a play room be? Do you have one, and if so, what were your priorities in putting it together? And most importantly - do your kids love it?

Images from Design Dazzle, 6th Street Design School and Project Nursery

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